Another first draft complete — “What’s Yours Is Mine”– it’s now in the beta-reading stage, so hopefully should be available through Amazon within the next week or two.
This one picks up on Sean’s renewed interest in winning back wife Katie, who had walked out on their marriage at the start of the previous book. Sean’s time spent with friends Henry and Michelle, and his introduction to the concept of wife-sharing and unconventional relationships, has changed him as a person and as a husband. He believes he can offer Katie something different this time, and understand her needs more effectively.
But, as this book gets underway, we learn a lot more about Katie, and her dark little secret — a secret that helps explain why she walked out on her marriage in the first place.
Can Sean win her back in the light of discovering this secret? Can he cope with what he’s discovered about her? And if he does get to persuade her to give the relationship another chance, what will she think about his burning fantasy to allow her to see other men on the side?
What’s Yours Is Mine is about 67,000 words, similar in length to the first book. At this point, I’m thinking that it should be out by about February 7 either from here at or directly from Amazon.